

Have you ever done a "dixit" (a list of quotations inside a community)?

This might be funnier than you think.

Extracted from its context, a sentence can be very funny!

Even quoted persons often don't believe they said such thinks.

That's why you should note the date and the context of utterance, so that quoted people can remember.

That's what phpDixit is for: store such a dixit, show it to community users, possibly vote for the best quotations... and laugh without wickedness.


phpDixit is a PHP/MySQL program that manages a list of quotations: sentences, author, date of utterance, and context.

Users may add quotations, look for another user's quotation, vote for the best ones (not yet implemented), etc.

The aim of this project is to bring cheerfulness in communities (with login/password), by quoting extracts of others' utterance.


There is now a demo. Interface is still in French only, but this would soon change. Oh yes: login is login and password is password

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